We took Avery on her first long road trip to Oklahoma for Labor Day weekend. We were smart parents though and stayed coming and going in the Dallas area. We just knew almost 10 hours would be hard for a four month old. Avery actually did very well in the car despite it taking us two and half hours to even get to Conroe. We had a great time and Avery met her great-grandfather, Bobo, for the first time.
On another note, Avery went for her appointment to be measured to see if she needs a helmet. We found out she will need the helmet. We were a little sad, but again so thankful that it is temporary. She will have to wear it 23 hours a day so I am sure there will be tons of pictures to come in her little helmet. We decided just to go with pink since her skin is pretty pinky anyway, and we might decorate it too. Thank you to all of you who have been praying for her. She has really made a lot of progress in therapy. Please continue to pray that once we have the helmet (in about a little less than a month) that her head would move quickly and she will adjust to it pretty easily.
Here are a few recent pictures. She is now a tummy sleeper even if we put her on her back she immediately rolls over.

First afternoon nap on her tummy.

Avery's visit with her great-grandfather, Bobo. She loved sitting in his lap and play with the remote.

"Aunt Susan holding me...I am so sad Daddy is making me stop pulling Bobo's hair" (Bobo is not phased at all).

Our girl is getting big.

Second cousins, Kristen and Matthew holding Avery (just after a little crying fit)

"Look at me..I can stand on one foot. "

Second cousins, Gus and Emma with Avery. She loved playing with both of the girls.

Emma and Gus's mommy, Jennifer, holding Avery up. She wore about four outfits a day there.

The girls having a great time.

Aunt Susan trying to get Avery to smile at the camera, but the fan was more important.

Avery and Aunt Linda playing.

Granny Helen talking to me so sweetly.

Eating oatmeal in the hotel on the way home.