I forgot to mention that Avery pee-peed in the potty on Saturday for the first time!!! She has been so interested since Carson started using the potty in the fall. When we went for her 18 month check-up, the doctor was talking and she sat on the little stool in the room and said "tee tee" and then walked around sat back down on it again and said "poo poo." The doctor was impressed she was talking about it. Since I am home on maternity leave, I thought it would be a good time to start training. We got her the little lid that sits on the toliet. It has Dora on it. We are going to get a little potty too. On Saturday night, I sat her on it before her bath, and she was so excited. We talked for a few minutes and the next thing I knew, she was going. It was so exciting, and you could see the HUGE smile on her face. She kept saying "I pee-peed in the potty."
Now, I need advice on what to do next. I am going to do some internet research. Josh took her yesterday to Children's Place and got some Big Girl undies for when we actually start.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Bright Eyes
Finally, a few pictures with Miss Amelia's eyes open!! Here are the latest happenings at our home. Still working on Amelia's schedule, and she is getting more and more alert/awake during the day. She is such a sweet baby. Avery is a hoot! She keeps us laughing all the time. Her new phrase is "Oh Man." I thought maybe I said it and then I heard her favorite new toy, her Dora Vanity Table, say "Oh Man." The funny part is that when we bless our food at night she says "Amen" but it sure sounds a lot like "Oh Man."
Avery still thinks everything that belongs to Amelia is for her...using the Boppy as her pillow while watching "Woody" or Toy Story.
Like my friend, Jamie, just said in her blog, "I do exist."
Celebrating Aunt Kristin's birthday and wearing Juicy in her honor. :)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Our Sleeping Angel
Well, it seems our little Amelia wants to sleep all the time, but that isn't the case. I just never have the camera around when her eyes are wide open. We took our first outing yesterday by myself and the two girls. We went to my parent's house...haha! Of course, it was a horribly rainy day, but we still went. I realized the car seats are not in the right location in the car because I can't get to the right side of my car to put Amelia in so I was pushing the infant seat over Avery's toddler seat and breaking my back at the same time.
Amelia is really such a sweet lovable baby. She is starting to get on a little schedule which is wonderful and makes Mommy feel a little organized. Last night she slept from 11PM - 4AM and then after eating went back to sleep until 7:30AM. It was so nice. I am hoping it can stay. I love reading so even when I feel the busiest, I still find time to read even if it is in the bathtub. I have been following BabyWise and Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. They both seem to have great advice on how to make sure your children are happy babies.
Avery is really doing well too. She is such a great independent girl! She loves playing with stickers, coloring books and with her dolls. She can keep herself busy for quite a while and then loves playing with her Mommy. She has been giving Amelia more kisses than hits so that is a huge accomplishment. The other book I am reading is The Strong-Willed Child by Dr. James Dobson. It has explained so much for what Avery does. Slowly learning how to 'tame her will not kill it."
Amelia is really such a sweet lovable baby. She is starting to get on a little schedule which is wonderful and makes Mommy feel a little organized. Last night she slept from 11PM - 4AM and then after eating went back to sleep until 7:30AM. It was so nice. I am hoping it can stay. I love reading so even when I feel the busiest, I still find time to read even if it is in the bathtub. I have been following BabyWise and Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. They both seem to have great advice on how to make sure your children are happy babies.
Avery is really doing well too. She is such a great independent girl! She loves playing with stickers, coloring books and with her dolls. She can keep herself busy for quite a while and then loves playing with her Mommy. She has been giving Amelia more kisses than hits so that is a huge accomplishment. The other book I am reading is The Strong-Willed Child by Dr. James Dobson. It has explained so much for what Avery does. Slowly learning how to 'tame her will not kill it."
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Amelia's hospital pics
I posted this on facebook, but just in case you didn't get to see it. Here is the link to her hospital newborn pictures. They turned out so cute. They were crazy expensive so we didn't get too many.
Link to Newborn Pics
Link to Newborn Pics
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Big and Little Sisters
Amelia is three weeks old today! I thought I better take a few pictures of the girls in their Big/Little Sister shirts before Amelia grows out of her onesie. Avery did so good..you could tell she was so proud getting to hold her up. She has really been doing much better lately with the hitting. Too bad Amelia's eyes weren't open. I will try again later!
Love Avery's ankles crossed. She did it all on her own.
I can't wait to see these precious girls grow up together.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Random holiday pics
I am falling down on the blogging job. I wanted to finish posting holiday pictures. I promise to add more of Amelia soon. She is growing so fast. When we went for two week check-up last Friday, she had gained almost a pound since the week before. She was up to 8 lbs 14 oz. The jaundice was completely gone so we were thrilled. Hope everyone is doing wonderful!!
The men were deer hunting and we had a girl/kid weekend. We decided to let the kids make Ginger Bread houses, but it ended up being my mom, sis, and I making them. Two cute kids though posing near their houses.
After bath time...trying to take a few more pictures.
Carson holding his house.
We went to the beach the next day and had fun with Grammy and Aunt Paula. Loved this pic of Carson and Avery in their jammies and slippers.
Christmas Eve after church. Just five days before Amelia was born.
My dad figured out how to put the camera timer on. Family pic on Christmas Eve.
My sister and I's family.
Christmas Eve holding the doll my sister's family gave her. Love that she is smiling...she is always so serious in pictures.
We had a Christmas with my Dad's side of the family a week before Christmas. Everyone in the family was there. We were able to take a family picture. It is so special.
Our little family before Amelia.
Kristin, Andrew and Carson. Love this picture!
My parents (Ma Z and Pops) with their grandchildren who look very interested. :)
Christmas Day!! Since my Dad taught me how to set the timer, we were able to do it with Josh's family. It worked great!! The only bad part is Avery is looking away.
PaPa and Avery all ready for bed on Christmas Day.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Everyday Love
All is well here in our home. Amelia will be two weeks old tomorrow. How time flies so fast! She is still sleeping pretty good at night. Last night we had a minor setback after I ate a spicy meal. I have learned my lesson!! Poor thing, Josh and I felt so bad for her. I felt worse that Josh had to go to work today. I think I might actually get a nap in today. The main thing I have noticed different from the first delivery to this second is that I have hardly rested when the baby rests. Thank goodness she is sleeping four to five hour stretches at night but today I am feeling it!
We had some sweet visitors come by. I am not great at remembering to take pictures of everyone, but my dear friend, Cori came and brought her two precious kids. My sister came that day as well so all the kids had tons of fun! Here are just a few pictures of the latest happenings. I am trying to take as many pictures as I can so Amelia won't be slighted when you look at all of Avery's pictures she had as a newborn.
We had some sweet visitors come by. I am not great at remembering to take pictures of everyone, but my dear friend, Cori came and brought her two precious kids. My sister came that day as well so all the kids had tons of fun! Here are just a few pictures of the latest happenings. I am trying to take as many pictures as I can so Amelia won't be slighted when you look at all of Avery's pictures she had as a newborn.
Amelia posing for a picture.
We pulled out the playmat for Amelia to lay under the other night and Avery couldn't stand it...she had to get under there as well.
My two sweet girls!
Campbell, Cori's daughter, Avery and Carson. They were having so much fun! My camera was on a multiple pic setting so they were all pretty blurred.
Campbell and Avery coloring together. What a doll Campbell is...look at her long eyelashes.

Campbell and Avery coloring together. What a doll Campbell is...look at her long eyelashes.
Lastly, just an update on Avery and hitting Amelia's head...well, it still continues. Any advice dear mothers and fathers? We have tried time-outs, love patting the bottom (aka spanking), and focusing all attention on Amelia not Avery when it occurs. If anyone has any other suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it. It is hard to stay focused on positive-parenting when one child is hitting the other. I don't want to be negative and saying "no" all the time either.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Amelia Grace has arrived!!!
Amelia Grace was born on 12/29/10 at 11:23AM. She weighed 8 lbs and measured 20.5 inches long. I was scheduled for induction and told to arrive at the hospital at 5AM. I had the most wonderful nurse, Mendy, that began everything so quickly. When I saw my doctor the week before (37 weeks), I was 3cm dilated and he said I might deliver before our scheduled induction on 12/29/10. The pitocin started around 6:30AM and when my doctor arrived around 10:30AM to break my water, I was still around 3 - 4cm. So my wonderful doctor left the hospital and would come back as I progressed. Well, here is where it all began. I had some contractions similar to what I had been having for the past month all that morning. After he broke my water, I had a pretty strong contraction and told Josh I should use the bathroom one last time before it gets worse. My nurse had called anesthesia to let them know I was ready for my epidural!!! I already had one of my favorite anesthesiologists, Dr. Green, on-call to do my epidural. Then I had two more really strong contractions (I am telling you....REALLY strong). At this point, still no epidural, and I had a HUGE contraction where I told my nurse that I felt like I was uncontrollably pushing and she was going to start coming out. The nurse checked me, and I was already 7cm. This was only a few short minutes after the doctor had broken my water. My nurse was calling my doctor to come back and anesthesia to come up because I was moving too fast and she was worried I wouldn't be able to get an epidural. I really started to freak out, and Josh was about 10 shades of white because he was worried for me. My wonderful nurse, Mendy, looked at me and said "Erin, you can do this even if you don't have an epidural because she has already moved so fast that she will come out very fast." I know it should have been encouraging, but I freaked out. Fortunately, Dr. Green ran in to save the day. I was past the point of an epidural (which would have taken about 20 minutes to take effect), but since I had the fastest anesthesiologist, he slapped on some iodine and I got a spinal block! Whew...RELIEF!!! I was told by my doc and my nurse that had it been any other anesthesiologist, I probably wouldn't have gotten it. Since I had the spinal, it slowed down the need to push, which was amazing because my doctor was stuck hitting every light on his way back to the hospital during a horrible rain storm. My family said he ran in with wet shoes and all. Then a few short pushes after his arrival and Amelia was born! It was a miracle, and honestly, I didn't even break a sweat! My doc said this is the way to have a baby. He also said if we do have a third child and my water breaks to race to the hospital. :)
Amelia was a little bruised on her face from coming out so quickly, but they faded pretty quickly. She is such a good sleeper and eater. Avery is enjoying being a Big Sister, but she is also trying to figure out why we keep getting on to her for hitting her sister. She does it with a smile on her face so if anyone has any suggestions on how to discipline/handle this, please, please let me know!
Here are a few pics from her arrival. It takes forever to upload pics if you are not a blogger so I will try to post a little each day. Also need to get pics from the grandparents since we didn't take too many with our camera.
Lastly, I had the most wonderful care from all of the staff members at Methodist Sugar Land Hospital, my employer! I would like to think it is because I work there, but honestly, they give that care to everyone. My list is so long to thank, but they were all so very compassionate and sweet to me. Thank you EVERYONE!!!
Amelia was a little bruised on her face from coming out so quickly, but they faded pretty quickly. She is such a good sleeper and eater. Avery is enjoying being a Big Sister, but she is also trying to figure out why we keep getting on to her for hitting her sister. She does it with a smile on her face so if anyone has any suggestions on how to discipline/handle this, please, please let me know!
Here are a few pics from her arrival. It takes forever to upload pics if you are not a blogger so I will try to post a little each day. Also need to get pics from the grandparents since we didn't take too many with our camera.
Lastly, I had the most wonderful care from all of the staff members at Methodist Sugar Land Hospital, my employer! I would like to think it is because I work there, but honestly, they give that care to everyone. My list is so long to thank, but they were all so very compassionate and sweet to me. Thank you EVERYONE!!!
One of her first pictures...see how bruised her face is. It faded pretty quickly after.
Ok, I know a little gross pic, but I was so proud of myself that I had to share.
My wonderful nurse, Mendy, fabulous OB, Dr. Nguyen, and the best nursery nurse, Elaine.
Our first pic with Amelia
Cleaned up a little and ready for family!
Avery came to visit that night. I had shirts made that say "Big Sister Avery" with two owls on it. Amelia has a onesie, but she hasn't worn it yet. More pictures to come with both in their cute shirts.
Our first family picture!
Day 1 of life...
Daddy holding his new baby girl. Her outfit was so precious that her GiGi and PaPa gave her. We had already changed her hat. We put her in this for her newborn pics. I will try to scan it.
Heading home
Avery's first visit to the house after the baby was born. She has really been a good helper bringing things to me. She loves looking at her in the bassinet.
She found her new favorite spot under the bassinet.
First sponge bath. She actually only really cries when I take her clothes off or changing her diaper so we were pretty worried about her bath. She loved it.
One week old today! She is finally starting to open her eyes more. We are in love!!!
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