Saturday, February 26, 2011
Family pic
Our first family picture since the hospital pictures when Amelia arrived. We were celebrating our nephew, Carson's birthday today. I will post more pictures later. It was a great party!!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Fun times...
Hello! It seems that there is rarely time to update the blog..sorry friends and family! All is well here. Amelia seems to be completely over the flu. She is eight weeks old and weighs almost 12 lbs. She definitely loves her milk. You can tell by her cheeks. She has started cooing and smiling. She is liking the swing a little more each day and has started batting at hanging toys that make noise. It is so cute! Avery is doing great too. We have been enjoying this beautiful weather by playing out in the backyard or going to the neighborhood park. I am so happy that Spring is almost here. I can't believe Daylight Savings begins in only a few weeks. Here are a few pictures of what has been going on lately. Also, I tried to get a few videos of Amelia. Enjoy!
Trying to keep herself entertained! Inside the laundry basket.
Josh got the girls matching pajamas and we tried to take a picture of them together. Amelia wasn't having it.
So we moved them closer together and told Avery to put her arm around Amelia.
Avery decided she didn't want to hold Amelia while she was crying. Still cute though! I am sure the first of many pictures where they are matching.
Josh's brother, Jason, bought a Harley. He drove over early last Saturday morning so Avery was taking her first spin on a bike...just kidding! She just sat on it.
Getting Avery dressed for the day. She thinks the Ipod in Amelia's room is a phone so she always grabs it and talks on it. She has her bracelet on and could care less if she gets clothes on.
Amelia with a little smile.
Love this face!! I could kiss her all day. I remember while I was pregnant thinking, "how could I love another baby when I love Avery so much"...but let me tell you, you can! It is true when they say your love just multiplies.
NOTE - this video is sideways...sorry! I have learned my lesson not to the hold the camera in portrait.
Video of Amelia cooing...the big one is at the beginning of video so turn up your speakers and listen carefully. :)
Avery and Amelia together this morning! If you listen carefully, you can hear Avery say "Pat Pat." This is hard to believe this is the same girl that was hitting her baby sister almost two months ago.

Getting Avery dressed for the day. She thinks the Ipod in Amelia's room is a phone so she always grabs it and talks on it. She has her bracelet on and could care less if she gets clothes on.
Amelia with a little smile.
Love this face!! I could kiss her all day. I remember while I was pregnant thinking, "how could I love another baby when I love Avery so much"...but let me tell you, you can! It is true when they say your love just multiplies.
NOTE - this video is sideways...sorry! I have learned my lesson not to the hold the camera in portrait.
Video of Amelia cooing...the big one is at the beginning of video so turn up your speakers and listen carefully. :)
Avery and Amelia together this morning! If you listen carefully, you can hear Avery say "Pat Pat." This is hard to believe this is the same girl that was hitting her baby sister almost two months ago.

Friday, February 18, 2011
Valentine's and Flu Update
We had a sweet Valentine's here at our home! Josh and I laughed because with two kids even just the stay-at-home Valentine's night was completely turned upside down. Amelia was still not feeling great so she cried the majority of the night and wanted to be held. I made a shrimp dip earlier in the day for our appetizer. We enjoyed the early evening sitting out on the patio in the wonderful weather with both of our girls eating our appetizer (Amelia was a bundled up!). After that, it all broke loose. We grilled one steak which we didn't eat until several hours later with NO sides. :) Josh cut my steak up in bite size pieces so I could eat while holding Amelia. What a sweetie!! Here are a few recent pics.
The girls' Valentine's goodie baskets.
Out of order picture but Amelia is getting so big. Did I mention she is 11 lbs 10 oz already? She is seven weeks and growing so fast!
The girls in the Valentine's outfits. I couldn't really get a good picture.
Sisterly love. I am happy to report that the hitting has really subsided and there is a lot of love...almost a bit too much. Avery says "Hold it" when she wants you to hold her or hold Amelia. The other day I heard "Hold it...neck, neck, neck" and looked back...she had Prisca, the cat, by her neck. Shocked that Prisca didn't hiss at her.
Avery even tries to give Amelia her puppy.
We try the swing a little bit each day...I am determined to make her love this swing.
It seems Amelia is finally starting to feel a little better each day. Unfortunately, her thrush is still here and doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. Please say a prayer for little Amelia!!

Avery even tries to give Amelia her puppy.
We try the swing a little bit each day...I am determined to make her love this swing.
It seems Amelia is finally starting to feel a little better each day. Unfortunately, her thrush is still here and doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. Please say a prayer for little Amelia!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Where did the flu come from??
It is official our precious girl has the FLU!! It all started this past Sunday when I went for an afternoon alone while Josh watched the girls. Josh gave Amelia two formula bottles instead of breast milk and we thought it screwed up her tummy because she stayed up until 4AM crying. Then it happened again on Monday night until 2AM. We were convinced that it was just colic. On Tuesday, we had a break and she slept her normal 10 - 3 and 3 - 7 so we were hoping it was just the formula. Well, it happened again on Wednesday, Thursday night and then yesterday she cried for six hours straight while Josh was home with her. I called our pediatrician that we love, and she didn't call us back until 6PM. She said it was a crazy day. She said that with Amelia's age, she felt it was best to take her to Nite Lite the Pediatric Urgent Care center because we could be missing something like an ear infection or UTI. So off, I went to take Amelia because Avery was needing dinner and bedtime. Let me tell you, if you live in Sugar Land, don't hesitate to go to Nite Lite...the staff was amazing and the doctor was so wonderful. They put us in a room immediately since she had not had her eight week shots. I can't say enough good things about the place. At one point the doctor wanted to send us over to St. Luke's SL to see the pediatrician over there because her fever was 100.2 and the cut off for six week is 100.4 and they will often do a spinal tap for fevers over 100.4. Whew, was I scared and so upset that I didn't listen to my wonderful hubby all week saying to take her to the doctor. I felt like I knew what was going on. They were worried about her oxygen level too. Josh's parents came to our house at this point to stay with Avery and Josh came up to the clinic. They decided to keep her at Nite Lite because SLSL already had two babies with same symptoms ahead of her. The doctor said she would start the testing and if they had to move her to SLSL, then it would be a higher level of care. RSV test came back negative, Praise God! Then the doctor came in after the nurse suctioned Amelia (horrible thing to see your baby go through!!). She said it was the flu! We were shocked because Amelia has only been out of the house four times in six weeks and two times were to my parents' house. She figured it had to been on something one of us have touched like a shopping cart or door handle and just brought it home to her. We have all been vaccinated which explains why we haven't gotten it.
The good news is that late last night the doctor called back and she had spoken to our on-call pediatrician. He wanted to start her on Tamiflu. She is sleeping a lot, and just watching her a lot for fever and making sure she is eating and peeing enough. Please keep Amelia in your prayers!!

The good news is that late last night the doctor called back and she had spoken to our on-call pediatrician. He wanted to start her on Tamiflu. She is sleeping a lot, and just watching her a lot for fever and making sure she is eating and peeing enough. Please keep Amelia in your prayers!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011
Being cooped up in the house with this cold weather has heightened Avery's need to be mischevious. Here are a few things that have happened in the last three days:
1) On Wednesday, Avery walked into the living while I was feeding Amelia with an opened "Child-Proof" bottle of Infant Motrin in her mouth. I freaked out because she had it around her lips so I know she had drank some of it. I went into her bath and fortunately it looked like most of it was on the rug. I called the Pharmacy (no help) and then called Poison Control who said she would have to have drank the entire bottle for it to be worrisome. The bottle was probably less than half full. I gave her some the night before and left it on the bathroom counter. She has learned to get onto the toliet and crawl onto the cabinets. She is a major climber!!
2) On Tuesday, I went to see what Avery was doing because she was in my bedroom and pretty quiet. She had taken out all of the diapers and wipes under the bassinet and had her baby in the bottom of the bassinet patting her bottom. I thought this was so sweet and continued to let her play. I came back into the kitchen to unload the dishwasher and after I had completed, I went back into my room to find Avery sitting in the bassinet. Fortunately, Amelia was not in it. I should have taken a picture, but I was so shocked that I pulled her out quickly.
3)While taking a shower on Tuesday, I had my eye on Avery. I had set her up in the bathroom with some activities to keep her busy. My bathroom cabinet lock had broken so during this time she pulled out a bag of all my nail polish and was examining each bottle. Fortunately, I was able to hop out of the shower before we had any nail polish tragedies.
This precious girl is definitely keeping me on my toes. I have learned now that I can't leave anything within reach of her. She has a stool for her Dora Vanity table that she can pull around the house to climb onto things. :)
On Monday, we got to have snack and spend some quality time alone outside in the backyard before Amelia got up. Avery loves being outside which is probably why she is going a little stir crazy inside.
1) On Wednesday, Avery walked into the living while I was feeding Amelia with an opened "Child-Proof" bottle of Infant Motrin in her mouth. I freaked out because she had it around her lips so I know she had drank some of it. I went into her bath and fortunately it looked like most of it was on the rug. I called the Pharmacy (no help) and then called Poison Control who said she would have to have drank the entire bottle for it to be worrisome. The bottle was probably less than half full. I gave her some the night before and left it on the bathroom counter. She has learned to get onto the toliet and crawl onto the cabinets. She is a major climber!!
2) On Tuesday, I went to see what Avery was doing because she was in my bedroom and pretty quiet. She had taken out all of the diapers and wipes under the bassinet and had her baby in the bottom of the bassinet patting her bottom. I thought this was so sweet and continued to let her play. I came back into the kitchen to unload the dishwasher and after I had completed, I went back into my room to find Avery sitting in the bassinet. Fortunately, Amelia was not in it. I should have taken a picture, but I was so shocked that I pulled her out quickly.
3)While taking a shower on Tuesday, I had my eye on Avery. I had set her up in the bathroom with some activities to keep her busy. My bathroom cabinet lock had broken so during this time she pulled out a bag of all my nail polish and was examining each bottle. Fortunately, I was able to hop out of the shower before we had any nail polish tragedies.
This precious girl is definitely keeping me on my toes. I have learned now that I can't leave anything within reach of her. She has a stool for her Dora Vanity table that she can pull around the house to climb onto things. :)
On Monday, we got to have snack and spend some quality time alone outside in the backyard before Amelia got up. Avery loves being outside which is probably why she is going a little stir crazy inside.
We put Avery's hair in a pony tail. It is so cute! She pulls it down pretty quickly though. :)
Amelia has been enjoying lounging around. Daddy and Amelia napping together one day after work.
I was trying to catch a picture of her smiling in her sleep. I never quite caught it, but she is definitely enjoying her milk...her cheeks are filling out fast.
Amelia got to meet her Great-Grandmother, Granny Helen, this past weekend. It is such a sweet sight!
Until next time....

Amelia has been enjoying lounging around. Daddy and Amelia napping together one day after work.
I was trying to catch a picture of her smiling in her sleep. I never quite caught it, but she is definitely enjoying her milk...her cheeks are filling out fast.
Amelia got to meet her Great-Grandmother, Granny Helen, this past weekend. It is such a sweet sight!
Until next time....

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