There have been so many things that I have missed posting about so I am going to try to give a quick Cliff-notes version of whats been going on.
Amelia started rice cereal about three weeks ago and really liked it from the start. She started bananas this past week and seems to enjoy them too. I am hoping and praying she will be my good eater.
Sweet also forgot to tell you that she truly does have reflux. She is getting prevacid daily now, and we can already see a difference. It something that could take six to eight weeks to really see the difference, but we are so glad she seems to be having a little relief.
She didn't make the yucky faces that Avery did when she started rice cereal.
We also celebrated Father's Day a day early after Josh worked in the yard. He couldn't stand that we had a present all wrapped up for him. Josh is a wonderful daddy and the girls just love him. Amelia smiles so big when she sees him and Avery finally runs up to him when he gets home from work. I know it just melts his heart. We love you Josh/Daddy and thank you for all you do for your girls (me included)!!
We took a quick overnight trip to Galveston last week to see my parents. Amelia loves swinging outside. My Dad has been a short retirement before he starts later this month with another company. It has been so nice seeing much more of him, but I have a huge prayer request to ask for. My Dad lost his voice after a cold and has had no voice for a month. He has some kind of virus that has attacked the vocal cords. It is very unusual. Please keep him in your prayers as he sees a specialist later this month (the doc is out of the country right now). My Dad is such a trooper and it doesn't seem to worry him too much. He knows that God is in control.
Avery loves to swing too. She says "swing high."
There are a tons of peacocks near my parent's house. The kids love to go feed them at night. I still have not seen them open their feathers, but they are still pretty.
I took Avery to her first movie...Cars 2.
Handing the lady her ticket. She was so excited.
We went with my sister and Carson. They had a ball together as usual.
Getting ready for the movie to start. Sitting on the very hard booster seats.
Avery was a hoot. She wanted to hold Carson's hand a lot and then toward the end really got antsy. I was glad it was a morning movie of all kids and parents. There was a lot of movement in the theater.
Had to stop for a quick bus ride before we left the movies.
Also, Avery advanced to a new swim class without parents. I was so excited not to have to get in the water.
These pics are pitiful because I am taking them through the window that has the coating where the kids can't see the parents. See her floating on her back on the right.
She does so much more for the teacher than she did when I was there.
Last one for now...she is floating by herself. So proud of her!!
4th of July pics to come!