Avery Blake Bibb arrived on May 1, 2009 at 4:11PM. She weighed 8.6lbs and 19 in long. Labor was great. We arrived at the hospital at 6AM and started pitocin around 7:30AM. By 12PM, I had my epidural, 6cm dilated and 100% effaced. Things were going great. By 2PM, the nurse said we were ready to start practice pushing. Avery was trying to get our attention because her heart rate would drop during the contraction and pushing so our nurse said I needed to wait until the doctor arrived. Dr. Nguyen (the best doc in the world) arrived not long after and things really got going. I had about 30 minutes of pushing, and she still had to pulled out with the vacuum extractor. She is just gorgeous and very healthy. Her apgar was 9 and 9. She immediately started to nurse which was such a blessing. She has had great reports from the peditrician, and we couldn't be more in love with her. Here are a few pictures of our Avery!
Prior to Avery's arrival. Our last moments as just the two of us.
Day after Avery's birth - had to show off the pillowcase made by my mom and my sister.
Avery dressed for her pictures at the hospital. She has the most beautiful dress on from one of my mom's best friend, Evelyn. You can't see it all, but she looked like a cream puff.
Avery preparing to go home. She is wearing a dress that my Nanny, Dad's mom, made for him to wear home from the hospital. It is almost 56 years old (sorry Dad, you still look like a spring chicken)! She is also laying on a afghan that my Grammy, Mom's mom, made.
Our new family heading home!
Y'all look great! I'm glad everything went well, and can't wait to meet her.
ReplyDeleteErin, Congratulations! She is beautiful just like her mother! Happy Mother's Day! :)
ReplyDeletecute cute!!!
ReplyDeleteHow exciting! Congratulations again. Erin you do not look like you just had a baby! You look GREAT! You are absolutely glowing. :-) Avery is just precious and you guys make a beautiful family!