It has been several weeks since I have posted. All is great here in our family. I started back to work last week part-time and what a blessing that has been. I love working part-time because I truly get the best of both worlds with work and Avery. Avery turned three months on August 1st. It is so hard to believe that time is passing by so fast. She is reaching out for things, smiling and giggling. She is also starting to drool a lot. I told Josh she needs to start wearing a bib, but he thinks bibs are only for eating...haha!
I took her to doctor last week and she noticed that she had a little bit of a flat head on the right side. She was diagnosed with torticollis. If you don't know what that is, it has to do with her neck muscles being tight forcing her to tilt her head and look mainly one direction. The worst case would be is that she might have to wear a helmet. It doesn't matter because it is completely fixable. We went today for her first visit with her physical therapist, and it went so well. Avery was such a trooper. She loved Jane her therapist.
Here are a few pictures of the happenings in our home lately.

I laid Avery in her bed one night while I was putting up clothes and working in her room. She loves her bear so much. If I pull it away from her face, she puts it back. Don't worry she doesn't sleep with it.

I tried to pull it away from her face.

Avery with her new best friend. She is really starting to notice Hagen now. Hagen licks her hands and sometimes gets her face too.

"I am three months old today!" August 1, 2009

"Look at me in my new jogger stroller...even though my mommy doesn't jog."

"I had to wear my shades because it was so bright."

"Wearing a bib for the first time. My clothes were soaking wet from drooling. I promise I do smile...just not for the camera."
Oh Erin she is just precious! I really hope we get to meet her one day soon! It looks like you guys are doing so well and that is wonderful. We miss you guys!