Friday, February 12, 2010

Nine months and growing

It is so hard to believe our precious Avery is already nine months. She is getting to be such a big girl. We went for her nine month old check-up, and she is 30 inches (97%ile - she is tall!!), 19 lbs (50%ile), and 17 in head circumfrence (25%ile - guess a small head is better than a bigger one). Avery started taking a few steps over the last few weeks and now she has taken off. The most we have seen is about 10 -12 steps. It is so precious because she gets so excited and normally turns around to see your reaction and falls.  Avery is a very happy baby and is babbling all the time.  She says "mama" "dada" "naanaanaa" but she is not associating them with anything.  Last week Avery started to wave Bye Bye...She has completely mastered it now to where I can be on the phone talking with someone and say "Bye Bye" and she starts to wave.  She opens and closes her hands facing her though.  It is so cute!  Videos to come.  As you can tell we are just overjoyed by our darling girl.  Here are a few recent pics. 

Avery was not too excited about trying on her new coat.  My mom and Josh's mom both got her the exact same coat for Christmas and didn't even know it.  It is really so cute on her, but she was not in the mood. 
Avery and her cousin, Carson, playing.  They are really starting to have fun together.  Carson just talks to her and she wants to follow him so bad.  Soon they will be running together.  They are 15 months apart. 
Avery with her "evil eye" isn't too bad in this picture, but she normally gets a really big wrinkle and small left eye when she looks up due to the helmet. 

Avery, my mom, and I went to see her Great-Grandmothers in Beaumont.  I didn't get any great pictures, but Avery really enjoyed crawling all over Grammy's apartment and sitting in her big girl toddler seat to eat cheerios at Nanny's.  What a blessing that she has seen all of her Great-Grandmothers in the last week.  Josh's Granny was here too for his brother, Jason's wedding.  More pics to come on next post. 

Our sweet Realtor and friend, Barbara, knit this hat for Avery with a precious duck on it. 

One year will be here before we know it! 

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