Last Saturday, we took our first road trip with Amelia to Beaumont to meet two of her Great Grandmothers and Great Aunt. The trip there was great. We had a wonderful visit with both of my grandmothers. The trip home was a different story....the drive that should taken around an hour and half, took us three hours. There was a wreck on I-10 and everyone had to exit to the feeder. It was horrible. Thank goodness I had a bag of snacks for Avery and still nursing Amelia. I had to crawl in the backseat between two carseats to get Amelia out to nurse her. It was quite an adventure, but it was well worth the visit. Josh and I are so blessed to have three grandmothers and one grandfather still living to know our baby girls.
My Grammy (My Mom's mom) and Aunt Paula seeing Amelia for the first time.
Trying to get a picture of my grandmother with her great-granddaughters, but Avery was wiggling down to get to Pistol, the dog.
Avery loves Pistol!!
My Nanny (my Dad's mom) with the two girls. Who knows what they are both looking at.
We had them all bundled in pajamas to go home. We thought it would be easier to take a day trip than bring all the stuff to the stay the night. LOL!

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