Friday, June 24, 2011

Family Reunion in New Braunfels

Continued pictures from our vacation week.  We ended the week in New Braunfels for a family reunion on my Dad's side.  It was so fun seeing all the family and visiting/playing with cousins.  I didn't lug my camera everywhere so I missed a lot of great pics, but here are just a few from the weekend. 
Avery and her Aunt Kristin
Precious Carson and his Daddy, Andrew.
Cousins in the long can they take baths together?  haha!  Isn't this the funniest picture with how pale Avery is and how dark Carson is?  He gets so dark in the summer :)
Aunt Kristin reading to the kids in the hotel.  Avery was obviously trying to be so big and read her own book.
Our little fam...who knows what got Amelia's attention.

My family.
My two girlies...could eat them up!
My grandmother, Nanny, holding Amelia.  She will be 88 this year and still amazes us.  She loves to beat everyone in cards at 3-13.  If you haven't played it before, here are the rules.  We love the game! (NOTE - if you look at these rules, we always use twos as a wild card for every round)
Cutie patootie!

Nanny with our girls and cousin, Carson.  Three of her eleven great-grandchildren.

***Don't miss the post below***

It's Contagious

Finally, we caught it on camera.  Amelia's laughter is just contagious.  This was the first time she was responding to "Boo."

Please keep this little one in your prayers.  It looks like she has a really bad case of Reflux.  We are going to an ENT this week to get scoped and check it out.  We started PT for the torticollis which thankfully is not that bad since I have been working with her.  The therapist noticed how much she was spitting up and how she holds her arms far back.  She suggested that she might have reflux and wanted a speech therapist to take a look at her.  Fortunately, one of the speech therapists is Josh's best friend's mother.  She looked at her and thought she had a pretty severe case.  She said that were probably weren't hearing a lot of sounds from her and that she is not doing too much with her trunk.  She was correct.  Anyway, so we are hoping to get her some relief very soon. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Canyon Lake - Part Two

Here are a few more pics from our Canyon Lake trip. 
Josh and his Aunt Diana (Aunt Sissy) on the boat. 

Josh's brother, Jason, and cousin, JD.  Ok so it was so bright I didn't realize that my camera was focusing on the land behind them instead of the two guys.  Little blurry guys!

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Jason and Chrissy.  Cute pic guys!

So Amelia got a break from the lifejacket to get her diaper changed.  She was such a trooper.

Avery having a ball with Aunt Sissy in the water. 

Proof that I really was on the boat.  Amelia still enjoying the breeze and kicking half-naked.

Avery had the floating with GiGi. 

How cool is this..Josh's Granny Helen in the float on the lake. 

Me and Avery on our last float.  FYI, those are the greatest floats that we got at Walmart for $5. 

Dinner at the marina restaurant.  We were all a bit tired and HOT!!!!  Delish food though. 

Love this face...could kiss her all day.  Next day...on our way to Gruene to do some shopping.  Josh's family just moved to Texas from OK so it was there first time to Gruene. 

Hamming around in a store at Gruene.  Amelia proceeded to have a HUGE blowout in this store and went all over her carseat and clothes.  Had to change her in a dressing room.  Sorry to the next customer using that dressing room.  :)

Outfit #2 that was thankfully in the diaper bag.  If not, she would have been wearing some onesie that said "Don't Mess with the Guadalupe"  Cooling off and having a drink in Gruene Hall.  First time in a bar..haha!

Avery doing a dance on the stage at Gruene Hall...many an amazing performer stood right where she is. 

In the pretty flowers leading the Gristmill

Later in the afternoon back to the cool pool!  Amelia's second dip in the pool. 

Avery in her cute cover-up from my friend at EmmaLemmaLou  She monograms cute things...great thing this can be reused for Amelia. :)

Last trip to Gruene for a delicious dinner at the Gristmill before we left the next morning. 

Super cool pic of a deer as we were driving off. 
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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Family vaca to Canyon Lake-Part 1

Last week we had the opportunity to go Canyon Lake with Josh's family and family reunion with my Dad's side of the family in New Braunfels.  We had an amazing time.  Here are some pics of our adventure.  Thankfully a dear friend let us borrow her portable DVD player so the car-ride was not bad at all....if you enjoy watching Lion King about six times.  :) 
The pic from the house we stayed at....this doesn't do it justice because the view was breathtaking.

Just arrived and bikini is on...unfortunately, the bottoms were a bit too big so she only got to dance around in for a while.  Maybe by the end of the summer it will fit.  (Katherine - this is the one we bought together last year for $4.99 :))

Do you think she is preparing to be a model? 

Just love this one.

My in-laws have land in Canyon Lake so we were able to use the neighborhood pool.  We were told we were the first ones to use it.  It was gorgeous!  Avery loved it.  Her swimming lessons are definitely paying off. 

Amelia liked the water too.  It was pretty chilly so she didn't last too long.

Me and my girls.

Our little family in the pool. 

Avery and her PaPa

GiGi feeding Amelia her bottle.  So nice to have an extra set of hands so we could play in the pool too. 

Deer everywhere.  Look at the baby fawn.

Amelia so cute first thing in the morning.

Mischievous already first thing in the morning. 

Isn't the sunrise gorgeous?  We were up at the crack of dawn because something was wrong with the house alarm.  It was a good thing because we got to see the beautiful sunrise. 

Almost a smile

Day 2 - they rented a boat so we all went out.  I knew the girls would have to have life jackets, but I didn't think about them having to wear them the entire time.  Makes perfect sense can tell I don't get on too many boats.  Avery was thrilled because GiGi got her a Dora life jacket just in case.  She was also happy because she packed a big bag of Cheetos. 

Josh's Granny and Avery...getting ready to pull out of the boat slip

Now, this was the most precious sight...Amelia's life jacket was quite snug around her face, but she didn't mind one bit.  GiGi and Amelia just chillin in the shade.

I was shocked she didn't care, but she lasted hours sleeping in the shade with that life jacket/pillow under her head.

Stay tuned for more...hard to upload with two little ones needing my attention.  

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