Here are a few more pics from our Canyon Lake trip.
Josh and his Aunt Diana (Aunt Sissy) on the boat.
Josh's brother, Jason, and cousin, JD. Ok so it was so bright I didn't realize that my camera was focusing on the land behind them instead of the two guys. Little blurry guys!
My brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Jason and Chrissy. Cute pic guys!
So Amelia got a break from the lifejacket to get her diaper changed. She was such a trooper.
Avery having a ball with Aunt Sissy in the water.
Proof that I really was on the boat. Amelia still enjoying the breeze and kicking half-naked.
Avery had the floating with GiGi.
How cool is this..Josh's Granny Helen in the float on the lake.
Me and Avery on our last float. FYI, those are the greatest floats that we got at Walmart for $5.
Dinner at the marina restaurant. We were all a bit tired and HOT!!!! Delish food though.
Love this face...could kiss her all day. Next day...on our way to Gruene to do some shopping. Josh's family just moved to Texas from OK so it was there first time to Gruene.
Hamming around in a store at Gruene. Amelia proceeded to have a HUGE blowout in this store and went all over her carseat and clothes. Had to change her in a dressing room. Sorry to the next customer using that dressing room. :)
Outfit #2 that was thankfully in the diaper bag. If not, she would have been wearing some onesie that said "Don't Mess with the Guadalupe" Cooling off and having a drink in Gruene Hall. First time in a bar..haha!
Avery doing a dance on the stage at Gruene Hall...many an amazing performer stood right where she is.
In the pretty flowers leading the Gristmill
Later in the afternoon back to the cool pool! Amelia's second dip in the pool.
Avery in her cute cover-up from my friend at
EmmaLemmaLou She monograms cute things...great thing this can be reused for Amelia. :)
Last trip to Gruene for a delicious dinner at the Gristmill before we left the next morning.
Super cool pic of a deer as we were driving off.