Our sweet surprise baby boy was born on January 20, 2013 at 5:37On January 19, 2013, I went into labor with contractions around 9pm. They started to get closer together so we went to the hospital where they monitored me forever it seemed. Around 4:30am, I was worried they were going to send me home because I wasn't progressing. I had the most wonderful nurse who helped move things along, and the strong contractions started coming closer together. It was a long road of labor and basically when I got to 9cm the doctor broke my water, but I never progressed so I had to push to 10cm since it wasn't my first baby. I was induced with both girls and Amelia came so quickly that we thought this would happen too. Unfortunately, he was face up so they had to turn him in the womb. The doctor said that having a face up baby is like having an extra 2 lbs which would have felt almost like pushing out a 10 lb baby. My epidural didn't work too great either. It was a long, exhausting delivery, but it was so exciting to see Josh (who was the best coach!) look down toward to "key" area and said "It's a Boy!" We just cried together!! Here are a few pics from that very special day.

Meet Alexander Davis! We are calling him Alex.

Big boy three weeks early. My doc said another week, and I probably would have had a c-section. Thank you Lord for bringing him early.

If you have seen my other deliveries, I always had great pictures after delivery because of the induction. I had to work hard for this baby boy. I could barely smile I was so worn out. My hair is a mess and the makeup was all sweated off.

Sweet baby boy Day 2.

The girls coming to visit their new brother. They just knew the name was Alex, but they didn't know it was a boy.

Checking out their baby brother.

Amelia is just so in love. She is constantly kissing him.

First family picture of us five!

The biggest sister holding her brother.

Both girls look so gigantic compared to Alex. We are so blessed by our three sweet babies!

Amelia is totally in love with her baby brother.