My blogging or picture-updating has gotten fewer and further between. I hate that because I want to keep documenting my sweet girls lives. We had a wonderful Christmas/ New Year's and celebrated Amelia's 2nd Birthday. My how time has flown by. She is having a little family party this weekend so hopefully it won't take me a month to upload them. We are anxiously awaiting Baby #3. I am 35 weeks and having a lot of contractions, but I am sure this one will stay put until my induction at 39 weeks. We can't wait to see our little surprise and the girls are both so excited. Avery has now come to terms with the fact that this might not be a girl and has accepted the possibility of a boy. She can't wait to be a big helper. Amelia is just a ball of fun and a bull in a China closet. She has more bumps and bruises, and mostly, she doesn't seem too affected by it. The girls love playing babies so hopefully they will enjoy their babies while I am taking care of the new one. Here are just a few pics of the girls. More to come (hopefully!)

Avery's Christmas program at pre-school. She doesn't look to happy here, but she really had fun and sang a lot.

Avery with her two grandmothers at her program, Ma Z and Gi Gi.

Avery and her Pops. (Picture quality messed up during upload...still unsure why).

Me and Avery. I love this picture. She is my sweet Angel!

We took the girls to the park in our neighborhood to take some pictures for Christmas cards. The had some funny, precious ones so had to share.

They truly love being together.

This is totally both of the girls. Avery is my drama mama and Amelia is just goofy. Amelia's newest thing is growling her words.

Sweet girl posing.

Amelia didn't want to stay still

Another funny one of the dancing girl and the silly girl.

My first born blessing

My second born blessing.
Can't wait to meet the third!!
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