Saturday, January 21, 2012

Holidays 2011 - The End

Finally, our Christmas with both girls was just wonderful.  Amelia had a great first Christmas especially since she was almost one so she was very much aware of everything around her.  A final few photos of Christmas weekend. 
The eve before Christmas Eve we had dinner at Josh's grandmother's house.  Avery getting a Barbie doll from Granny Helen (my camera focused on the tree and not the people...note to tell read Pinterest photography pins and not just pin them).

The only picture I got of Amelia all night.  She loved pushing her new walker around all night. 

Avery with her new Barbie and Aunt Chrissy.

Our family on Christmas Eve after church at Josh's parents' house.

I was trying to get a pictures of the girls, but Avery had a rice crispy treat.  Amelia was so focused on it. 

I said "Avery, cheese."  As soon as she let go of the rice crispy treat Amelia leaned in for the taste.  It was so cute!

Relaxed and ready to move around in her Christmas jammies

Avery with her Uncle Jason

The girls with their Gi Gi and Pa Pa

On to Christmas morning.  Josh and I stayed up until 1AM putting everything together and last minute wrapping for Christmas with my family.  We also made decision that Santa doesn't wrap.  Also, if you notice, I didn't finish Amelia's stocking.  Next year!

It was well worth it to see how excited they were to see what Santa brought

Amelia didn't really know what to think. 

Santa could have just brought this blow-up ice cream truck and nothing else.  They had more fun. 

Avery on her Dora big wheel.  Loving it. 

A little later in the day, we went to my parents' house for more Christmas fun. 

Amelia had so much fun. 

Avery got this HUGE baby alive doll.  She loves it.

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Holidays 2011 - Part 2

December had a lot of fun, exciting events for the girls.  Here are a few to enjoy!
Carson and Avery at Pajama Story night at the library.  It was our first time to go, and the kids loved it.  Not too many kids in pajamas, but they were decked out in their Christmas jammies. 

The forced hug, but honestly, they love to hug each other when they say hi.  Too cute!

Walking into the story room.  They have so much fun together.  Even now, a month later, when we go to the library Avery will ask when Carson is going to get there. 

Next, we made Gingerbread Houses with the kids.  Cute aprons.  Sorry, I didn't have the camera with the houses on it...might come later.  They were very cute and lots of fun! Avery really got into it this year.  She would put one candy on the house and one in her mouth. 

Had to show off my precious holiday baby.  On December 14th, she took two steps.  We were shocked and so excited.  More to come on the walking. 

Attempting to take Christmas card pictures at the house.  Love Avery's face on this one. 

This ended up being our favorite (disregard how this picture is blurry at bottom...not sure why Blogger is doing that lately?  Is that happening to anyone else?)

Loved this one too, but Amelia was going to town eating her ornament string. 

Almost one years old.  Hard to believe this year has flown by so fast! 

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Holidays 2011 - Part 1

Well, I am not sure if I have been too busy, lazy, or just bored with blogging, but I am hoping that I am BACK! For those of you who are my Facebook friends, you have learned that we are having sleeping challenges with both girls (night and nap). I got some great information from my FB friends that I am going to try out.  Avery, who is only 2 1/2, really would love to cut her nap out. It is really hard on me because I feel like I rarely have time to myself during the day. I am working on trying to make things better for us all. Anyway, I am going to share a try to catch up the holidays. We had a wonderful holiday season and the girls both enjoyed every minute of it.

Thanksgiving 2011 in Galveston
Our little fam

My parents - how thankful we were this Thanksgiving!  (Check out my mom's apron that the kids made her)

My little Amelia and I just hanging out before lunch. 

Pretty table and ready to eat!

My parents with their grand-kids. 

Carson and Avery on the Ipad and old Iphone...seriously, already??

The day after Thanksgiving was really warm.  Took Avery out on the beach to run around. The water was really beautiful.  Calm!

November in Texas!

She loves the beach!

In her element

At home cooking in her new "Mommy's Helper" apron.  Her potty training gift.  She did so well with potty training the second time around.  We definitely tried too early when she was 26 months.  Unfortunately, still wears a pull-up at night, but one a day is better than the opposite.  FYI - she is just stirring flour and water for fun.  She loved it!
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