Sunday, November 14, 2010

Should I start a new blog?

I created a new blog, but I am hesitant to change to it.  I said this before...I am not sure why I chose "Josh and Erin plus one" 1) because I couldn't stand that show and 2) because we knew we always wanted more than one child.  So now, what to do??  Will you still follow me if I change the name of our blog?  Suggestions, dear friends! 

We spent all day and most of the night Saturday repainting our front room that Avery will move to in a few short weeks.  It turned out so pretty.  It is a very pale pink.  I will post a picture when it is all complete.  We are hoping to move Avery to her new room during Thanksgiving weekend. 

All is great with Baby Girl #2.  I had an appointment on Thursday and she is measuring right on target.  It is amazing how fast these appointments are since I don't have to get on the baby monitor due to the gestational diabetes.  I loved hearing Avery's heartbeat bi-weekly and then every week, but it sure made a long appointment.  Now, I breeze in and out.  My lab results that I did a few weeks ago stated that my iron was low so I have to start Iron.  I am really fighting it.  I asked the doc why I really need it...he said if my iron count is low and lose too much blood during delivery, I would have to have a blood transfusion.  So, I am officially making myself take the Iron now. :)

More pictures to come.  I haven't even finished posting all of Halloween!   


  1. LOL i was waiting for you to have to figure out what to do... :)
    whatever you decide, of course we'll follow you still.
    "The Bib Crib"

  2. I will gladly follow you if you move blogs! :-)

  3. Thanks you two! I love your idea Christa, but I already started I haven't done anything with it yet because I hate to lose my history. I want to see if there is any way to import it to a new blog site.

  4. Erin, you can transfer your blog to the new address. I did it with mine a while back. Just search for transfer or move blog in blogger's help files. It was pretty straight forward as I remember it.
